Small Gems – Same Time Next Year by Eden Winters

There is love that lasts a lifetime. There are lifetimes that are defined and punctuated by love. It’s a gift, though it’s both a beauty and a burden when the string that measures the months and years of one life is cut short by the Fates, all too soon.

Same Time Next Year is the bittersweet tale of two men, best friends as children, best friends and lovers once they were old enough to realize their feelings had evolved into a desire to be everything to each other. They found that sometimes all too rare blessing of a soul mate, the one and only person whose mere presence is the thing that gives meaning to and makes tangible the difference between loving someone and being consumed by a love that defies even death, that transcends the boundaries of the earthly plane and enters the spiritual.

Eden Winters makes it possible to live a lifetime in a mere thirty-two pages of story, not in the detailing of each of Greg’s and Jerome’s years, but in the showing that time is fleeting and that we are merely the borrowers, using it for as long as it’s allotted to us before we make the journey to the place where it is measured infinitely.

And yes, I cried like a baby. It was wonderful.

Buy Same Time Next Year HERE.

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